You are currently viewing PhageEU’s 2024 Year in Review Newsletter

PhageEU’s 2024 Year in Review Newsletter

PhageEU is pleased to announce the release of our 2024 Year in Review Newsletter, highlighting the organisation’s milestone achievements. The newsletter details our formal incorporation as an non-governmental organisation in Brussels, successful policy event in the European Parliament on bacteriophages in AMR prevention, and the launch of our European elections manifesto.

The newsletter showcases PhageEU’s growing influence in shaping EU policy on phage technology, including our Common Declaration on bacteriophages in fighting AMR and engagement with key stakeholders such as MEP Tiemo Wölken.

Access the full newsletter to learn more about our advocacy efforts and how to support PhageEU’s mission in advancing phage technology across Europe.

PhageEU is open to welcome new members. If you are working on phage technology and representing industry, science or civic society please reach out to us at and we will be happy to provide you with information about membership opportunities.

PhageEU is consolidating corporate members representing industry and academic institutions as well as individual scientists.

Phage EU is a coalition of likeminded stakeholders who represent phages in industry, the scientific community and civil society. We want to realize the full potential of phages in Europe.

Media Contact and Secretariat
Margareta Przybyla
PhageEU Secretary General

Contact Details
Tel: 0032 476 591 091