Common Declaration
PhageEU is a coalition of likeminded stakeholders who represent phages in industry, the scientific community and civil society.
Bacteriophage technology covers various issues, from plant, animal health and human health. At PhageEU we believe that, in order to maximise the full potential of phages in the EU, it is important to build a broad coalition of like-minded actors.
This is why PhageEU is inviting stakeholders to co-sign a “Common declaration on the recognition of bacteriophages in fighting AMR”. This declaration has been launched on the 11 December 2024 during the High-level debate at the European Parliament. Tiemo Wölken, Member of the European Parliament, S&D ENVI Coordinator and Member of the SANT Committee was the first key stakeholder to sign this document.
“The signatories of this declaration jointly commit to do their best and to use available tools and resources in order to support the recognition of the role of bacteriophages in fighting AMR and to bring phage products and treatments closer to EU citizens.“
If you wish to co-sign the declaration, please contact us.
Common declaration on the recognition of the potential of bacteriophages in fighting AMR
- Whereas antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been recognised by WHO as one of the top global public health and development issues and by the Commission and the Member States as one of the top three priority health threats in the EU;
- Whereas it is estimated that AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths in 2019 and contributed to 4.95 million deaths. Whereas, in addition to death and disability, AMR has significant economic costs;
- Whereas despite various efforts at European and global level, AMR is still on the rise and the latest data show significant, increasing trends in the number of infections and attributable deaths for almost all bacterium–antibiotic resistance combinations, especially in healthcare settings;
- Whereas in order to fight against AMR there is a significant need to develop novel treatments;
- Whereas research and practice show, that bacteriophages (phages) can be part of the solution as they can be used as alternatives to antibiotics or can be applied in parallel with antibiotic treatment making the latter more effective and sustainable. Whereas the potential of bacteriophages has been already recognised by the European Parliament, EMA or WHO;
- Whereas bacteriophages can contribute to the One Health approach in a wide variety of applications in the environment, agriculture, aquaculture, food production and veterinary and human medicine.
The signatories of this declaration jointly commit to do their best and to use available tools and resources in order to support the recognition of the role of bacteriophages in fighting AMR and to bring phage products and treatments closer to EU citizens.
Depending on their respective functions and available means, signatories commit to engage into various activities such as awareness raising, communication campaigns, research and development, advocacy, policy and regulatory work, so that the full potential of bacteriophages is recognised and used in the EU for the purpose to reduce antimicrobial resistance. The signatories therefore commit to working together to achieve these goals.
List of signatories

Jarosław Dastych
PhageEU President
Tiemo Wölken
Member of the European Parliament
Merja Kyllönen
Member of the European Parliament
Sakis Arnaoutoglou
Member of the European Parliament
Leire Pajín Iraola
Member of the European Parliament
Vytenis Andriukaitis
Member of the European Parliament
Günther Sidl
Member of the European Parliament
Marta Temido
Member of the European Parliament
Dario Tamburrano
Member of the European Parliament
Oliver Schenk
Member of the European Parliament
If you wish to co-sign the declaration, please contact us.