About Us
PhageEU is a coalition of likeminded stakeholders who represent phages in industry, the scientific community and civil society.
Our Mission
The purpose of
is to contribute to the development and application of phage technology worldwide.

PhageEU takes steps in order to:
- Raise awareness among national, European and international decision-makers about the potential of phages and phage technology
- Represent the interests of its members in front of the European institutions as well as EU agencies via e.g. issuing position papers, opinions and engaging in advocacy activities
- Facilitate the authorisation process of phage products in the EU
- Offer a platform for cooperation between industry and academia
- Keep members up to date with recent political, legislative, regulatory and scientific developments
Addressing Critical Challenges
Promoting the widespread use of phages will help us to address critical challenges of our time, including:
- Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), a major public health threat which is currently responsible for 33,000 deaths per year in the EU alone and adds an additional €1.5 billion to EU healthcare costs. This figure is forecast to rise to 10 million deaths per year by 2050.
- With a growing population, we will have 10 billion people on the planet by 2050, and we need a way to feed them.
- Greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production currently account for 11% of GHG emissions and have risen 14% since 2000.
These are just some of the bigger, headline grabbing topics, but the message is clear, we need to find a way to produce more food, more sustainably, with the same or fewer resources, whilst at the same time reducing antibiotic use.
It is time to ensure that European farmers have access to the phage technology that has the potential to allow them to achieve these goals. In its Farm to Fork strategy, the European Commission outlined its ambition to make EU food systems healthier and more environmentally friendly, and has adopted an ambitious goal of decreasing the sales of antibiotics by 50% by 2030. In the animal nutrition sector, the European Commission also has a declared objective of creating a more sustainable food production system.
Bacteriophage technology can be one part of accelerating the implementation of the One Health and Green Deal agendas and the objectives of countering antibiotic resistance, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable production.
Board of Directors
Secretary General
Founding Members
The three PhageEU founding Members are pioneers in phage technology in the EU. Proteon Pharmaceuticals based in Poland, PTC Technology Center from Germany and JAFRAL from Slovenia are devoted to providing the best solutions based on phage technology and allow farmers to reduce the need to use antibiotics, enable more sustainable agriculture, improve food quality and safety as well as offer patients alternative treatments of resistant bacteria.