PhageEU Membership
PhageEU is a coalition of likeminded stakeholders who represent phages in industry, the scientific community and civil society.
Become a PhageEU Member

PhageEU is an association of parties, wherever based worldwide, involved in phage technology including but not limited to:
- Companies developing and commercializing products based on phage technology
- National and international associations, trade associations representing interests of the phage industry/community
- Academia, scientific and research institutions, think tanks discovering and developing the potential of phages
- Any other entities and natural persons supporting the development of the phage community
Types of Membership
Corporate Member
Corporate membership is open to companies, national and international associations, think tanks and scientific and academic institutions wherever based worldwide and directly or indirectly active in the field of phage technology.
Scientific Member
Scientific membership is open to individuals active in academic or scientific institutions and who are directly or indirectly active in the field of phage technology.
Services for Members

PhageEU is offering:
- Platform for cooperation
- Meetings with European Union decision makers
- Active participation in defining PhageEU presence and activities towards decision makers- drafting position papers, opinions
- Events for members and external audience (online webinars, meetings)
- Regular Newsletter
- As the Association grows, it is expected to create the following subgroups/bodies to effectively pursue the objectives of the Association: Scientific Committee (representing the academia, think tanks, among others) and ad hoc Working Groups.
Become a Member Today
If you are interested in PhageEU membership and would like to join us to represent the phage community, please contact:
Secretary General
Margareta Przybyla
phone: 0032 476 591 091